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National Latinx Theater Initiative

Proposal for the implementation and management of the Project Coordinator position.

Reynaldo Pacheco


MFA University of Southern California



TED X SPEAKER - Bolivian University UMSA

English - Spanish - French


My first Strategy as a Project Coordinator would be to centralize all the activities for the NLTI Program under an online platform where our applicants or participants can create their own profiles and keep track of their involvement from the application process to the execution and delivery.
The Platform would be home to important documents like the program guidelines, eligibility forms to be completed, and submissions by interested theaters, companies, and ensembles.
After thoroughly reviewing all applicant organizations, as a Project Coordinator, I will compile a list of eligible submissions to be referred to Project Directors on the same platform.
The NLTI Platform will allow us to keep track of all the applications for each specific Grant through time and a complete database of the applicant’s information. 

Possibilities of utilization

The NLTI Platform could expand and support the mission and all the  projects of the LATC.



With the NLTI Platform, we could invite our community to participate and create their profile for live or virtual events.
The Platform will allow the LATC to expand its community in our virtual world. Their members will be able to enjoy FREE events and also paid events or memberships. The NLTI Platform will not only centralize our community but expand it worldwide within the virtual realm.



The Technology of the Platform could allow our students to participate in free or paid virtual workshops; join every activity that we hold in the theater from any part of the world. 
The NLTI  will provide unprecedented financial assistance for Latinx theaters across the United States and could also provide education to the new generations. Our Students enrolled in the Platform can participate in complete programs with certifications from Los Angeles and even watch the LATC performances virtually (This could be a paid membership).


Virtual Theatre

We are in a new world that has no frontiers. With the NLTI Platform, the LATC could expand the audience of Theatre Performances worldwide. 
Live Performances and pre-recorded presentations could become an essential Latin X drama library for our community and education across America.
We would be able to unite theater worldwide by also bringing to our Los Angeles Community LIVE  or Pre Recorded theater from other theaters in the USA and around the world.



The NLT Platform could become a fantastic way to centralize our grants, educate, unite, and bring to our community students/members worldwide.  These same students could become an active paying audience for the performances at LATC.
Because of my academic experience, I have developed an online program for Film and TV that we could quickly launch worldwide with MFAs from USC as the facilitators of the lesson plans. 
I have also developed a theater ensemble program of 120 lesson plans that could become an active program at LATC and be recorded for our virtual students. (English and Spanish)
I am so excited and passionate to work, create and empower our community. These were very few ideas that I wanted to present to the NLTI to show the potential of my vision and abilities. Thank you for the opportunity! I can not wait to tell you more about it. Finally, here is a quick presentation of the Academic Part of the Platform.


Details of the 

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